Money-Bill Counter With Fake Detector


IR infrared ray detection system LCD color change to red when detecting the fake note UV (ultraviolet) and MG (magnetic) automatic detection while counting Double-notes detection as well as automatic half-note detection Automating start, stop and clearing Batching, adding and also self-examination functions

KSHS 17499.00/-

    CATEGORIES: Luxury Items
Fully Automatic Cash Bill Currency Counting Machine generates accurate results and is capable of providing consistent count for a long time. It has a counting speed of 1000 notes per minute and has a rotating Display Front.. Being a Fully Automatic counting machine, it stops when the counting is done or when it detects bad note, half note or double note with the help of Ultraviolet (UV) & Magnetic (MG) technology. Counting Machines are precision engineered and give quick, accurate and reliable currency counting. It has Easy to Operate Digital Panel, Convenient Operating Menu and a Crystal Clear Foldable LED Counter Display. Also features a High Quality Mechanism with Precision Rotating Unit for precise results. It is suitable for most World Currencies and appropriate for use in Provision Stores, General Stores, Supermarkets, Banks, Restaurants, Amusement Parks etc. It also has functions like Batching, Adding and Self Examination, which makes it truly useful and intelligent for use. They are portable and can be moved easily to different locations according to the requirements.

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